Whilst creating a last impression is important, far more vital is manuals that are engaging and gripping for your trainees.
Training Manuals
Over the years, Ignite Print has become something of a specialist in training manual printing, creating products that are engaging and durable in every shape and size. Our wealth of experience means we can help you produce high quality, cost effective materials that create the right impression every time.
Whilst creating a last impression is important, far more vital is manuals that are engaging and gripping for your trainees.
What are my print options?
Having worked with a wide range of clients, from self-employed trainers through to blue-chip companies, we know everyone has different requirements for their training programmes. Using state of the art equipment we can offer a wide variety of papers and finishes, including:
- Wiro-binding. These open cover-to-cover, which allows you to lay it completely flat, making them ideal for presentations, reference documents, or recipe books.
- Perfect-binding. These are available with spine printing, suitable for textbooks or conference notes.
- Tailored tabbed dividers. These allow you to section off your content, allowing your trainees to quickly and efficiently find what they are looking for.
Once you have selected your desired size and finish of your training manuals, it is time to start thinking about what is going to go in it. We have a highly experienced team that can help you throughout the entire process. From the early stages of design to the training manual printing itself, we will ensure that your product is immaculately produced with high quality content. We design everything in house, so all our training manuals are bespoke and tailored to your needs. Our team can help you by suggesting ways to make your material more engaging to really ensure your trainees gain the maximum from your training programmes.
If you already have a design in mind, send over any creations as a PDF file with a resolution of 300dpi or more, or give us a call to discuss your options.
So next time you’re thinking of running a training program, let Ignite Print become your training partner!
Give us a call on 01753 520247 or email hello@igniteprint.co.uk and we’d be more than happy to help you with your order.